The rain isn’t delaying the events of a long-planned protest, Occupy Congress, by members of the Occupy Wall Street movement. With an overwhelming general consensus that we are on the wrong track and that our “leaders” do not have our interests at heart, the occupiers met on Capitol Hill today for a day of events .
January 17, 2012

The rain isn’t delaying the events of a long-planned protest, Occupy Congress, by members of the Occupy Wall Street movement. With an overwhelming general consensus that we are on the wrong track and that our “leaders” do not have our interests at heart, the occupiers met on Capitol Hill today for a day of events .

So far today, at least six protesters have been arrested, one while trying to jump a police barricade, during Tuesday morning’s Occupy Congress protest. Occupiers are planning protests inside House office buildings, including Cannon, Longworth and Rayburn, this afternoon.

Reports of fourteen death penalty activists arrested at the Supreme Court are not affiliated with the Occupy Congress event.

Earlier, some of the protesters were attempting to stage a guerilla theater in Senator Carl Levin's office, no word yet on how that turned out.

A full rally is expected Tuesday at 6 p.m.

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