(Felix Ayo and friends)
From Seville Spain tonight. From the 2009 International Festival of Chamber Music, a program of Beethoven, Turina and Brahms recorded live by Radio Nacional Espana on September 11, 2009. The program is listed below:
Festival Internacional de Música de Cámara
Joaquín Turina
Concierto “Sonidos de la Noche”. Celebrado el 11 de
septiembre de 2009 en la Fundación Cajasol de
BEETHOVEN: Cuarteto con piano en Mi bemol mayor,
Op. 16. F. Ayo (vl.), W. Coleman (vla.), I. F. Martínez
(vc.), D. del Pino (p.). TURINA: El Poema de una
sanluqueña, Op. 28. E. Hoppe (vl.), D. del Pino (p.).
BRAHMS: Quinteto para piano y cuerda en Fa menor,
Op. 34. F. Ayo (vl.), S. Gonley (vl.), W. Coleman (vla.),
T. Tsutsumi (vc.), B. Palko (p.).
As always, the concert is broken up into two parts - Part 1 (above) features the Beethoven and Turina and Part 2 (below) features the Brahms.
Announcements are in Spanish and the music is guaranteed to take it all down a few notches.