October 30, 2010

Roky Erickson - Strange fit like a comfy shoe.

My homage to Halloween tonight. And frankly, why not? A nice song about the Bermuda Triangle, played by one of the undisputed High Priests of Psychedelia Roky Erickson, whose 60's legend as a member of The 13th Floor Elevators firmly places him in the annals as one of the true innovators and practitioners of the melted mind.

Bermuda is the A-side of a one-off single put out by Rhino Records in 1977. It's not really clear if it was destined to be part of a larger volume of work, but this track stands on its own quite nicely.

If you aren't familiar with Roky Erickson or his work with The 13th Floor Elevators, by all means check it out.

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