News on this September day in 1970 was all about the death of Egyptian President Gamel Abdel Nasser at 52 of a massive heart attack. His passing stunned many throughout the world and cast doubts over the future of the Middle East and the on-going Peace negotiations leaving something of a void and rather large shoes for his successor, vice-President Anwar Sadat to fill. The newscast was nearly dominated by reactions and statements from world leaders.
Meanwhile, President Nixon was visiting Rome on his European tour and spent time with The Pope at The Vatican. Kent State University, scene of the shooting deaths of anti-War protesters in May, reopened to a new semester, and hopefully some calm.
And somewhat overshadowed by the International news of the day was news that celebrated American author John dos Passos had died at 74.
A busy day, as reported by NBC News on September 28, 1970.