On this week's Fox News Sunday, Bloody Bill Kristol did his best to try to explain how Mitt Romney can make all the Republicans out there who really don't like him because they know he's a pandering flip-flopper that will change sides on issues after he sticks his finger in the air, forget about the fact that "Obamacare", or the Affordable Care Act, was indeed modeled after Mitt Romney's Massachusetts health care law.
Kristol's solution? Just talk repeatedly about repealing "Obamacare" and everyone will just magically forget about what he did six years ago.
KRISTOL: It's fine. It's fine. Whatever he did six years ago as governor of Massachusetts, I wish personally he would defend it a little less forcibly. But whatever he did, if Republican voters and Independent voters think, as president of the United States on day one or day two, Mitt Romney will repeal Obamacare, I think an awful lot of conservatives and an awful lot of Independents who don't like Obamacare will be much more comfortable with Romney.
I think the way to take care of his health care problems, to be more aggressive on Obamacare and more aggressive on Medicare reform.
It's been fairly amusing watching Republicans try to defend Mitt Romney when they all know their base hates him, but will end up holding their noses and voting for him anyway because the rest of their field looks like they're pretty well unelectable at this point.
Bill Kristol may be hoping that no one knows about or cares about what Mitt Romney did six years ago and I'm sure Fox will do their best to try to help them forget, but I have a feeling the Democrats won't allow that once the campaign ads start up for the general election if he ends up being their nominee.
I just want to know how long it's going to take for this photo to start showing up in advertisements. And no, it's not photoshopped. This is an actual picture of Mitt Romney and his friends from Bain Capital.