February 15, 2010

What in the hell were the panelists on The Chris Matthews Show smoking this weekend? They're still trying to pretend like the Democrats are going to be able to get the Republicans to work with them on health care. I'm in the camp with Lawrence O'Donnell who said he thinks the bill is dead when he was subbing for Ed Schultz. Even though they pointed out that the Republicans have absolutely no incentive to work with the Democrats we got these tidbits of "wisdom" from them.

Bob Woodward thinks they need a panel or some sort of commission and should just start over. John Heilemann cites some polls and says there's no incentive for them to work with Democrats. Katy Kay thinks they need to start again on the issue of cost. Gloria Borger says the Democrats had better get their act together before the summit later this month (too late now Gloria). And even though she admits it's not likely the House will vote yes on a bill where they give up everything they wanted in their version, she says the President needs to do some "triangulation" and cut a deal which leaves them behind. How that's going to get them to vote for it is beyond me. Woodward follows up with saying again they need to start over and get something bipartisan passed after the election.

If we end up with more Republicans in the Congress after the election, again, why he thinks they're going to cooperate later is beyond me. Katy Kay says they just need some better messaging. If the Democrats were going to get something passed they'd have done it already. Right now they don't even look like they care if they get blown out in the next election. It's a little late for that better messaging Katy.

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