Never mind the $24 billion dollars that the government shutdown cost our economy, Ann Coulter and her hate filled buddy over at ClusteFox, Sean Hannity, want us to believe that the Republican brinksmanship taking our country to the edge of default went just wonderfully and is something to be proud of: Ann Coulter Gushes Over ‘Magnificent, Run Beautifully’ Government Shutdown:
The Republican-orchestrated government shutdown just put their public approval ratings in the toilet. But Ann Coulter seemed to be on the Ted Cruz wavelength as she painted the stunt as a smashing success on Hannity tonight.
Coulter told the ever-admiring Sean Hannity:
This is why I think the shutdown was so magnificent, run beautifully. I’m so proud of these Republicans. And that is because they have branded the party as the anti-Obamacare party.
As if they hadn't already been branded as such before the shutdown.
These millionaire pundits might think this is some sort of a game where the real damage done to people's lives and livelihoods don't matter much, but I doubt most of the public shares their view of the harm that was done to the country due to Republicans' brinksmanship, pure spite and their desire to lash out due to their overwhelming hatred of President Obama. The only thing "beautiful" about any of this might be the fact that we finally see some of these wingnuts drummed out of office because they over reached.