Here we go again with yet another segment on Fox where they're downplaying the use of pepper spray on the Occupy UC Davis protesters. This time, it was Sean Hannity and his guests, Fox Business' Charles Payne and frequent Fox guest, Margaret
November 28, 2011

Here we go again with yet another segment on Fox where they're downplaying the use of pepper spray on the Occupy UC Davis protesters. This time, it was Sean Hannity and his guests, Fox Business' Charles Payne and frequent Fox guest, Margaret Hoover.

Even though all of them admitted that it looked like an excessive amount of the spray being used on the students, Payne played the same game as Megyn Kelly did on O'Reilly's show, saying that the military grade pepper spray must have been watered down because the students didn't appear to react badly enough to it in the clip. They also implied that they did something to provoke the over-reaction and brutality inflicted on them by the police.

Hannity, who famously refused to take up Keith's Olbermann's request for him to be waterboarded after Hannity said he'd consent to undergo the procedure to prove it's not torture as a fundraiser for the troops, didn't think the action by the police "crossed the line."

At least none of them called it "a food product, essentially" this time.

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