Rachel talks to Frank Rich about the Republicans political strategy of obstructing everything and whether it's time to blow up the filibuster. While I agree with Rachel that blowing up the filibuster is a bad thing for minority rights in the Senate, I think that at least the threat of if is something I'd welcome given how the Republicans are acting these days. That or make them actually have to filibuster and take the political consequences for their actions. Break out the diapers and the cots!
Frank Rich is correct in this interview and the GOP is in denial and adrift from the American people. Rich hopes that some of them will come back to their senses and work in a way which benefits the American people. The problem is if any of the GOP House members vote their conscience, they've probably got more extremist primary challengers waiting for them. Their party truly has boxed itself into a corner with choosing to be the party of "No", racism, obstructionism, tax cuts for the rich, eat the poor and real life circumstances be damned.
I think the only gut check that's going to fix them is actually being voted out of office. In the mean time I'll settle for diapers and cots in the Senate and Harry Reid growing a spine if they want to obstruct.