March 25, 2010

Following their reporting on the death threats and acts of vandalism being received by members of Congress, Rick Sanchez and Jessica Yellin both agree that it would be somehow politically dangerous for Democrats to say that the Republican party owns this mess if they don't come out forcefully and denounce it. Yeah right. So let me get this straight. If the Democrats dare to point out that the Republicans are helping to incite these Tea party protesters and stoking the violence instead of denouncing it, now you clowns just gave yourselves an excuse pretend all things are equal and this is just playing politics?

Rick Sanchez and Jessica Yellin apparently couldn't be bothered with pointing out how many Repubican politicians were attending these rallies and how they are courting the Tea Party movement for political gain.

Sanchez followed this segment with a nice "fair and balanced" piece asking whether Ann Coulter used hate speech or not, as if there's any question.

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