Fox News continues their campaign of spreading propaganda about conservatives and Mitt Romney when Megyn Kelly plaintively cries to RMoney's five sons that nobody in America knows that Mitt Romney is a self-made man and not actually hatched out of the privileged class."It turns out that your dad is, in many ways, self-made."
My God, George Romney was worth a huge fortune and was Michigan royalty as their long-serving governor. If Romney fell into the kind of real hard times that average Americans do every day with no way out, George would have bailed him out as many times as was required. As it was, Romney got the privileged leg up of an expensive prep boarding school and Harvard education, courtesy of Dad's name and wealth. Many wealthy kids try to make it on their own and it's one thing for a person who has no safety net to venture out into the world, but another when you have a gold-plated safety net in the form of a rich and connected dad waiting their to catch you.
Megyn breathlessly gushes over Mitt like a love-struck puppy.