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Remember the above video segment? Scarborough: "Is Bush An 'Idiot'?" It brought back memories of Paul O'Neil's feeling about the Bush Tax Cuts: Paul O'Neill on the Bush tax cut: 'I would not have done it'
A new WSJ/NBC poll was just released and to my surprise six out of ten people still blame Bush for the hole this country is in.
A third reason is that the American public isn’t blaming Obama for the current economy, with more than six in 10 respondents still saying he inherited the country’s economic problems from his Oval Office predecessor.
Also, while a combined 47 percent believe George W. Bush and his administration are “solely responsible” or “mainly responsible” for the current economy, just 34 percent in the poll say the same of Obama and his administration.
But that doesn’t mean the public is satisfied with the president’s economic performance. Just 41 percent approve of his handling of the economy, versus 50 percent who approve of his handling of foreign policy and 54 percent who approve of his handling of the war in Afghanistan.
I have been very critical of the way the Obama administration has discussed the economic problems brought upon us by Conservative ideology and power so it's nice to see that many Americans haven't forgotten the Bush years, no matter how long he stays tucked away in the basement. Obama is still very vulnerable on this issue big time if things don't improve and since the stimulus was not as progressive as it should have been, many Americans don't believe they've seen tangible results from it.
And only 34 percent think the economic stimulus that Obama signed into law in 2009 has helped improve the economy or will improve it in the future.
High unemployment does that to people.