The big news first. Rick Perry announced he would return to Texas to see if there was any path forward for his campaign. Hint to Perry: There isn't. Stay in Texas. But I couldn't resist this clip, because it so perfectly displays the
January 4, 2012

The big news first. Rick Perry announced he would return to Texas to see if there was any path forward for his campaign. Hint to Perry: There isn't. Stay in Texas.

But I couldn't resist this clip, because it so perfectly displays the narcissism which infects Republicans, and Rick Perry is one of the best at wearing his emotions and self-worship on his sleeve.

From the clip, this at about 38 seconds in:

Words cannot express how thankful I am for being able to serve you this past week. My name is Colt Smith. He said I'm 24 years old and I just graduated from Charlton State University, lives in Aquila, Texas, and he said he got his BS degree in Ag and he said he graduated in the top ten in his class. Of thirteen, just like I did, right?

And he said, he said I drove here. He said I broke down in Kansas, I spent two thousand dollars to get it fixed, he said, well, I got a loan, but still made it.

He said this has been the best experience of my life. He said today I saw you for the first time in Perry, um, Perry, Iowa.

And he said I know you were a good man, but I never realized what a great man you were.

I suppose when you're in fifth place, there's nothing lost by reading a love letter from a supporter, but isn't it just a little bizarre to nearly cry in public over such unwarranted songs of praise?

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