Jack & Jill Politics: Stop dismissing birthers as crazy. Start pushing back on what’s really blatant, thinly veiled racism.
MN Progressive Project: Steele County GOP Party Co-Chair, Dave Thul & dirty tricks
TPMMuckraker: More Obama Secrecy: Won't release info on vists from Health-Care execs
Respectful Insolence: Jenny McCarthy and Oprah Winfrey: Cartoonists are starting to notice
The Progressive Puppy: Pope Benedict: Therapuetic abortion is worse than Child Rape...more Religilous insanity below...
HOLY CRAP: Christianist wingnuts want god to hover over Capitol Visitors Center...Dear C Street Gang...Human Sacrifice: A lousy idea...Fundies foment Islamic radicalism...On Offendedness...Full court pander...The silliest smear...Billboard wars!..."The religion of Jesus was very different from what many of us think of as the Christian religion"...Christian conference to welcome an Old South slavery defender...Good or Evil?...Christianist extremism apparent contributor to infidelity and dishonesty...Palin church's Samurai Sword ceremony...The Interfaith Alliance pays tribute its honorary Chairman of the Board, Walter Cronkite...