March 8, 2009

(h/t Dave E)

Oy. Something tells me that David Gregory is aspiring to "Tony Snow" his career. Go out on your national news show and lavish a lot of good will to the point of idolatry towards Republicans and all those who have already been proven to not have ideas that help the country. Hopefully, you will fool just enough Americans to vote against their interests and you can stride up to the podium in the White House Press Room. Then you can lie and b.s. your way through a press conference with all your former colleagues. It's good to have a focused career goal, isn't it?

Gregory asks former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich whether he is planning a run in 2012 for the Presidential nomination. Newtie, ignoring that he left the Speakership under a cloud of scandal, plays coy, even though it's patently obvious to anyone with two braincells to rub together that he is clearly posturing himself to once again "save" the Republican Party.

Newt's excuse is that if he says anything other than "no", it would be all over the news right now. My, we are full of ourselves, aren't we? Instead, Newt thinks we should be having a "conversation" this year, not in 2012. WTF does that mean? Is Newt looking to more fully destroy the country by endorsing some sort of national mutiny? What kind of conversation is he looking for?

Can you help us out?

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