Oh boy. I guess they've forgotten how all of these Republicans were crowing about a "mandate" after Bush's 2004 "win", despite the smallest margins for an incumbent president in nearly 100 years. Because rather than see Obama's victory as a call for a change to business as usual (including flipping some red states--hello North Carolina, Indiana and Florida!--and key Senate seats), the Republicans see the election results not as the time to reach across the aisle in the spirit of unity and bipartisanship, but to "gird their loins" and fight:
Senator McCain is an American hero, a remarkable man. I can think of few I respect more. But he's likely to be the first to be leading the charge toward bipartisanship. This would be a mistake of galactic proportions. This must be resisted.[..]
Republicans and conservatives will be taking a needed hard look at ourselves. Losers usually do. We must reassess, recalibrate and argue.
But in the meantime, we still have principles to defend and we must defend them vigorously. Particularly in the first 100 days when many of the most objectionable bills will likely be brought up. For those inclined to make nice, which of the following Democratic agenda items are you prepared to sign on to so that you'll get invited to the right parties?
- Employee Free Choice Act
- Fairness Doctrine
- Freedom of Choice Act
- Nationalization of health care
- Estate tax increases
- "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" (driver's licenses for illegals)
- Capital gains tax increases
- Defense cuts
- Liberal judicial appointments
- Racial and ethnic preferences
- Income tax increases
- Bans on oil drilling
- Global poverty tax/Kyoto
[..]In many cases, the congressional math may preclude Republicans from little more than voicing principled opposition. But that's not nothing. It's imperative. Republican politicians for too long have been spectacularly inept in communicating their ideas, principles and positions. They've been unconscionably silent in defending their own.
They've been unconscionably silent? Good lord, what color do you suppose the sky is in his world? And even in the face of this, there are conservatives still whining that we don't respect Bush enough. Not even January 20th and the honeymoon is over for the Republican punditry. This is going to be a long four years.