People from foreign states don’t fully recognize the importance of high school football in small Texas towns.
I remember about 20 years ago when the Democratic National Committee sent some Yankee yahoo to my area of Texas to teach us how to win elections. He planned the first big fundraiser on the same night as the high school homecoming game. We tried to explain to him that homecoming involved parking lot barbeques, big ole honker corsages, booked hotel rooms, and enough enough noise to be heard a mile against the breeze. Everybody in town shows up for homecoming.
“Awww…. it’s just a football game,” he argued and proceeded to have the fundraiser that night. Two people showed up – one drunk and one lost. I determined then and there to never give another dime to the DNC and I haven’t.
It appears that high school football in Texas has become so big that God has taken an interest and is picking sides.
Personally, I’m kinda disappointed that God waited so long to do this. I mean, I’m not questioning God, but wouldn’t a better time to pick sides is when Christians were being fed to the lions?
Better late than never, I guess, because God is right here right now. In Texas.
A judge ruled Wednesday that cheerleaders at a Southeast Texas high school can display banners emblazoned with Bible verses at football games.
State District Judge Steven Thomas determined the Kountze High School cheerleaders’ banners are constitutionally permissible. In the ruling, Thomas determined that no law “prohibits cheerleaders from using religious-themed banners at school sporting events.”
And by religious, the judge means Christian. And not just any Christian either – just the Super DeLux Fancy Grade A ones.The place they want to put religious messages is on something called a run-through banner.
At the beginning of the game, the cheerleaders hold up a giant banner and team runs through it, destroying it viciously, on their way on the field.

These are the same people who would pitch a walleyed snot nosed hissy fit if someone destroyed a flag, but violently tearing up Bible verses seems to have meaning for them I’d rather not psychologically explore because it would probably freak me out.
But just to be real clear about which God we are talking about, it ain’t one of them lesser gods —.

Now people have asked me why there’s not this craziness over basketball, baseball, or track. Well, duh. Those pansy sports do not involve getting to hurt another person. God likes that hurting people stuff and we know God does because why else would a judge in Texas answer our prayers to invoke His name at football games.
See, this is not complicated.
Juanita Jean blogs at the World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.