The story says the judge was disciplined with a public warning, but was not sanctioned or suspended because of a "medical condition." More on this later.
Jack Robison routinely runs unopposed in strongly Republican Comal County, just outside of San Antonio.
Source: CNN
(CNN)The Texas Judicial Commission is issuing a public warning to a judge who told a jury that God wanted to acquit a woman who was on trial for charges related to sex trafficking.
The jury found her guilty instead, and Gloria Romero Perez was sentenced to 25 years in prison. The judge, Jack Robison, is on the other end of a disciplinary measure.
Robison, a district judge in Comal County, Texas, just north of San Antonio, was presiding over Perez's trial in January 2018. According to the Texas Judicial Commission, he walked into the jury room after the jury's deliberations, said he had been praying about the case, and informed the jurors God told him the defendant was innocent.
He asked the jury to reverse its guilty verdict. Jurors declined.
And what was his "medical condition?"
The court documents show that Robison furnished letters from medical professionals to the judicial conduct panel, which concluded that Robison was not currently suffering from a mental illness.
The doctors determined Robison's actions were driven by delirium, a "temporary, episodic medical condition," according to the court papers. The doctors argued Robison's "fitness for duty" was not impaired.