May 12, 2009

Would it be great if this was finally over? But no, Norm "Sore Loser" Coleman continues to do the dirty work for the national Republican party. See, when Republicans steal an election and Democrats protest it, we're cry babies. And when Democrats win an election, Republicans insist it's illegitimate. Do you ever get the feeling that Republicans just don't like democracy?

Al Franken asked the Minnesota Supreme Court on Monday to affirm his victory in the 2008 Senate race and hand down a ruling that would direct Gov. Tim Pawlenty to certify him the winner.

“We think the law is clear,” said Franken's lead attorney, Marc Elias, pointing to a state Supreme Court ruling on the matter in February that he said indicated “that the certification would issue after the state court process ended.”

The Minnesota “Supreme Court is the end of the state court process,” Elias noted.

The request came as part of Franken’s reply brief to Republican Norm Coleman’s appeal of a trial court decision that declared Franken the Senate winner by 312 votes out of 2.9 million cast on Nov. 4.

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