Whose Values? Religion has been cited as a big factor in the recent presidential election. The exit polls found that 22 percent of voters cited "moral
November 24, 2004

Whose Values?

Religion has been cited as a big factor in the recent presidential election. The exit polls found that 22 percent of voters cited "moral values" as the key to their vote. Of course, we welcome the "moral values" discussion in politics, but the question some Christians are raising is which values and whose values.

Sojourners: Christians for Justice and Peace has been receiving daily opportunities to shape the national debate and to make sure that social and economic justice is named as a "moral and religious value," and that war and peace are "life" issues too. The Reverend Jim Wallis is scheduled to speak about "moral values" this coming Sunday on "Meet the Press."

Only 51% of Americans have moral values?

"Values voters have delivered for George Bush"
- Rev. James Kennedy of Florida.

Are you tired of listening to politicians and media tell you what is moral and what is not? Is wanting health care for all immoral? Is believing in the value of community and helping others immoral?

Speak out about YOUR values....click here> My Moral Values

America needs to have this conversation. Fill in the form to tell America how your moral values have affected your vote. We'll use some of the most compelling stories in a New York Times advertisement to be published on November 26th.

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