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January 25, 2005

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Maggie Gallagher and Wade Horn appeared on the O'Reilly Factor to try and weasel out of a new payola scandal.

Gallager: It never occured to me...

O'Reilly: Innocent mistake you say?

Gallagher: I was completely befuddled...

Wade Horn from HHS says:

Horn: Under the kind of new standard, which is really kind of new...

This is kind of new in journalism Mr. Horn, where the gov't pays journalists to promot their ideas.

Why is it that these pundits who are such experts on many issues, feign ignorance when confronted with payola charges? As is just being reported, Gallagher also testified before the Senate Judicial Committee here to further Bush's agenda. It's interesting to note that Bill O'Reilly acted more outraged(view here) over allegations against Daily Kos and MyDD even though they disclosed their affiliations and were never hired to push an adminstration's agenda.

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