24, is a really fun show except for those damn annoying B plot lines. Oh.. and there's always a mole, ohhh and there's always a hissy fight between two lovers over at CTU. If they could just take a lesson from The Shield which runs their season half as long, I think the show would really rock. Would it be popular called 12? Did you notice the many "Fox News Alerts" that were thrown in? I've also enjoyed the non-invasive torture methods that they use on James Heller's son. It sure looked like he was screaming up a good time. Of course they threw in a plug for the Heritage Foundation; and is that new computer gizmo called the(James) Dobson-type override? One last thing though that I just discovered. If you have a Tivo and start rewinding the show, listen hard; you can hear a voice barely audible saying "Bush is God, Bush is God"