Scarborough and the Scum Sucking Bottom Feeder
Prepaid cards that unlock one of the raunchiest X-rated sites on the Internet are being peddled by bodegas and newsstands across the city - even to underage kids, the Daily News has learned.
On Scarborough Country last night, Tracy Connor talked about how she broke the story. transcripts here
Joe, the crack interviewer that he is, asked this riveting question.
SCARBOROUGH: And why would somebody go out and buy these porn cards? What is the attraction of them?
Well Joe, the answer is, it's porn!
CONNOR: Well, normally, you have got to give your credit card information to get on to an Internet pornography site.
Penny Nance of the Kids First Coalition had some choice words for Peter Shankman, spokesman for the Pre-Paid Porn Card
SCARBOROUGH: Penny, did you callis it true that you called these people in the pre-interview scum-sucking bottom-feeders?
NANCE: Hey, I might have said that, but I meant it in the nicest way possible.
SHANKMAN: I have yet to seeI have yet toIm sorry. I didnt interrupt while you were calling me a scum-sucking bottom-feeder.