AMARILLO, Texas — The Roman Catholic Church plans to establish its first religious society devoted exclusively to fighting euthanasia and abortion, church leaders said this week.
Its priests will be trained to conduct voter-registration drives, use the media to get out their antiabortion message and lobby lawmakers to restrict abortion rights...
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There was a movie in 1968 called The Shoes of the Fisherman
Anthony Quinn, who has spent 20 years in a Siberian labour camp, elected Pope. He then decides to sell the Vatican treasures to raise funds in order to feed the hungry, even if it means bankrupting the Church.
If Catholics want to get into politics that's fine by me, tax em'. I'm Catholic and I love all the great Hollywood movies about the church. I remember in the movie when Quinn dumped the cash, and everyone thought he was crazy. Let this new order and the Vatican put their money where their mouth is. If you want to campaign and get involved in the political process, then you have to pay for it too.
The Dobson's and the Robertson's pony up. You get enough free air time on TV to piss Don Johnson off. Why should I have to pay my taxes to the government while you guys sock away every dime you make tax free and then want to get involved in my way of life. If I have to pay then so should you and so should everbody who wants to be involved in the political process. If not, then stick to preaching.