Beyond Corporate What with the conservative and fanatical religous outpouring over the Terri Shaivo debacle, where the RIGHTS provided to this woman
April 13, 2005
What with the conservative and fanatical religous outpouring over the Terri Shaivo debacle, where the RIGHTS provided to this woman through marriage were continuously under attack (and let me make this clear in writing to the entire www: my HUSBAND speaks for me, not my parents, my brothers, my uncles, or my cousins!!!!!!!!), i really found myself frightened and frustrated with my future options for managing my own health and death, both with dignity.

However, i am happy to see that my lovely, complicated state of California is at least fighting for what i feel is a true benefit - a choice in the matter of how i live my final hours when stricken with a terminal illness. Thank you Assemplyman Lloyd Levine (D-Van Nuys), Assemblywoman Patty Berg (D-Eureka), and all other folks who worked on bill AB654. You have my full support!


Wake Up Screaming                          Looking Glass

Billmon's dreams are getting weird again. But if his vision of Jack Abramoff and a crazed Tom DeLay dishing out pork to corporate bigshots in a sleazy Texas diner strikes you as over-the-top, you just haven't been following the news about Republican governance. He doesn't have them putting so much as one silver dollar into a political contributor's rare coin collection.

Dubya campaigned on the promise that Republican governmenance would look responsible. And it does. He always wears a suit in the Oval Office...


Wither The Democrats?    a choice in the matter of how i live my final hours when stricken with a terminal illness. Thank you Assemplyman Lloyd Levine (D-Van Nuys), Assemblywoman Patty Berg (D-Eureka), and all other folks who worked on bill AB654. You have my full support!

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