QALAT, Afghanistan, May 13 -- Angry mobs ransacked government offices and relief agencies and clashed with police in several provinces Friday in a fourth day of growing anti-American demonstrations. The violence left at least eight people dead and raised the death toll since Wednesday to about 15, officials said.
The demonstrations represent the most widespread expression of anti-American sentiment since U.S.-led troops ousted the Islamic Taliban militia in late 2001. They have caused growing worry for the Western-backed government of President Hamid Karzai, who is due to visit Washington later this on
Will Power Line call Newsweek and demand to see the proof? Oh no wait, they haven't been mentioning Afgahanistan in their posts. Though they found out something they didn't know about Tom Delay
Over at Michelle Malkin, there's a story about 800 pairs of shoes, and Peta kills animals. Aparently that's a bigger story.
Hugh Hewitt talks about a contest to win free tickets to see a new film by Ron Howard, and he met a blogger in Phoenix.
Jonah Goldberg talks about Law and Order.
Little Green Footballs says that the Newsweek story is an unsourced allegation. : "that in an unconfirmed incident, a Guantanamo prisoner flushed pages from a Quran down a toilet in an effort to clog it. He said Army General Bantz J Craddock, head of US Southern Command, “has been in Guantanamo for the last couple of days digging into this issue to see if there was a time when the Koran was not respected."
Steve Gilliard quotes Juan Cole in a long expose of what is happening there.