Talk Left : High Court to Hear Abortion Case : The Supreme Court agreed only to hear one case today. It involves parental notification rights in abortion cases... read on
The CarpetBagger Report: Nuclear Week : So, let’s take a look at the latest word from the senators who haven’t publicly announced their on
Eschaton: Cat Fight! "James Dobson: Who does he think he is, questioning my conservative credentials?" Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., said in an interview. Dobson, head of the conservative group Focus on the Family, criticized Lott for his efforts to forge a compromise in the fight over the judges. Lott is still angry. "Some of his language and conduct is quite un-Christian, and I don't appreciate it," the senator said.
Steve Gilliard: The Iraqi Army inaction: Let's get down to it, the best leaders are in the resistance. They have some really capable leaders who don't need 20 months forget 20 years to become on
Drift Glass: Sunday Mornin’ Coming Down..again: Watching The Sunday Clown Circus becoming more and more a blunt force trauma to the head. Only access to my fridge, a good botte of wine and my recent memories of a terrific day at Wrigley gird me against the tide of on