A federal judge on Wednesday jailed New York Times reporter Judith Miller for refusing to divulge her source to a grand jury investigating the Bush ad
July 5, 2005

A federal judge on Wednesday jailed New York Times reporter Judith Miller for refusing to divulge her source to a grand jury investigating the Bush administration's leak of an undercover
CIA operative's name....read on

Kevin Drum: Cooper is testifying...

Daily Kos: Looks like Cooper's source gave this move the green light...

John Cole says: I just find it a little disturbing that the government has the power to jail people for not disclosing anonymous sources- particularly when the reporter hasn't even write a story about the issue.

Joesph Wilson issues a statement via Raw Story. Collateral damage in smear campaign.

Is the Queen of Iraq trying to make herself look good?<snark> In a situation like this, she needs to be protected not incarcerated.

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