On CBS’s Face the Nation, host Bob Schieffer brought up the Frank Rich column:" ...it took Mr. Gonzales 12 more hours to inform the White House staff that it must “preserve all materials” As Think Progress notes: "Schieffer noted that this time gap would have “give[n] people time to shred documents and do any number of things.”
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SCHIEFFER: Let me just ask you the obvious question, Mr. Attorney General. Did you tell anybody at the White House, get ready for this, here it comes?
GONZALES: I, I told one person, ah, in, in the White House of, of the notification, and, and —
GONZALES: and immediately — ah, I told the chief of staff. And immediately the next morning, I told the President and, shortly thereafter, there was a notification sent out to all the members of the White House staff.
Talk left has further questions.
Think Progress has much more and is a must read in it's entirety: "So the one person who knew that an investigation was underway was Chief of Staff Andrew Card, who also happened to be aboard Air Force One in July 2003 with Ari Fleischer, Colin Powell, and the top secret State Department document that contained the identity of Valerie Wilson."