Think Progress has the lame-duck answer from Scotty's gaggle session today and matches that with their reaction to Sen. Durbin. If a democrat says som
July 27, 2005

Think Progress has the lame-duck answer from Scotty's gaggle session today and matches that with their reaction to Sen. Durbin. If a democrat says something they feel that they can use to their advantage they pounce and they pounce hard with nostrils glaring, but if a republican says something that could be used by terrorists against us ( bombing of Mecca ) what do you think they say?

MCCLELLAN: Yes, I think the State Department actually addressed this issue right at the time and they expressed the views of the administration. The president has made very clear that it Islam is a religion that teaches peace and that it is a proud and great religion. And he stated his views on it.

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