Last night O'Reilly jumped onto Drudge's (the Eggman) bandwagon and started the assualt on Cindy.
Bill: I think Mrs. Sheehan bears some responsibility for this [publicity] and also for the responsibility for the other American families who lost sons and daughters in Iraq who feel this kind of behavior borders on treasonous.
Download -(it's a big file so I compressed it a bit)
Michelle: I cant imagine that Casey Sheehan would approve of such behavior
You gotta love it when Michelle puts words into Cindy's fallen son's mouth. You know Michelle we would all certainly love to ask Casey how he feels. Weren't you leading the charge on the Terri Schiavo case? Seems Randall Terry is your kinda guy. I guess he doesn't count as a nut in your book. I never did hear you apologize to Michael Schiavo.
As for the Michael Moore connection, I'm doing a little research on that now.
Newshounds has much more on the segment. "The Vacaville newspaper Tuesday dredged up its original story on the Sheehans and noted how the Drudge Report misused it. Referring to Sheehan's quote about the "gift of happiness" Bush gave them, Tuesday's story
in The Reporter said that, "Drudge included that quote in his Monday morning report, but didn't explain that it referred to sharing time with her family, not the president. O'Reilly repeated the misrepresentation."
The Rude One has his opinion about Cindy: "So often symbols of protest are created by the power of the opposition. Right now, Bush is making Cindy Sheehan into a more powerful figure than he could ever imagine."