"American tax dollars and the wartime needs of the U.S. military are fueling an illicit pipeline of cheap foreign labor, mainly impoverished Asians wh
October 13, 2005

"American tax dollars and the wartime needs of the U.S. military are fueling an illicit pipeline of cheap foreign labor, mainly impoverished Asians who often are deceived, exploited and put in harm's way in Iraq with little protection." But it's not personal...it's just business.

Former CIA agent, Larry Johnson reminds us--and a clueless Washington Post columnist--exactly what's at stake in the Plame investigation. Why Patrick Fitzgerald Gets It

slacktivist: Why is it that white cops under such awful stress never seem to blow off steam by beating the shit out of a white guy?

TalkLeft: Culture War Confusion",0] ); D(["ce"]); D(["ms","1068f"] ); //-->Why is it that white cops under such awful stress never seem to blow off steam by beating the shit out of a white guy?

TalkLeft: Culture War Confusion

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