I guess only republican judges can sit on the bench for republicans. Apparently-Moveon.org is a criminal organization because they sell all those evil t-shirts.(false) Has Dick DeGuerin lowered the standard again? Am I watching a case on Law and Order? Oh wait, Tom Delay is mad at them too. Remember Judge Greer? Greer is a republican appointed judge and a deeply religious man who handled the Terri Schiavo case. He was hated because he didn't rule the way some republicans and extreme anti-abortionists wanted. A bounty was put on his head and he was even kicked out of the Baptist church that he attended.
(UPDATE): DeLay's Lawyer Lies About MoveOn:"According to MoveOns Washington director Tom Mattzie, this claim is false. Mattzie told ThinkProgress this morning that MoveOn has "never sold any t-shirts with Tom DeLays mug shot" on their website or otherwise...read on"