Paul Craig Roberts: Nuking the Economy
The Progressive Daily Beacon: The only things worthy of impeachment are private sexual indiscretions and a stained blue dress, the rest is passe pre-9/11 thinking.
Raging Blog: Barbara Comstock was employed by the DOJ during their 'investigation' of the Plame Leak. So what the hell is she doing on Scooter's defense team?
Editor & Publisher: Nurse investigated for 'Sedition' after writing a letter to the editor.
I feel safer...
Seeing the Forest: Apparently the U.S. military works exclusively for the Republican party.
Fafblog! The Medium Lobster shares more retroactive terror alerts with us....and go look at dumb and dubya!
Apparently the U.S. military works exclusively for the Republican party.
Fafblog! The Medium Lobster shares more retroactive terror alerts with us....and go look at dumb and dubya!