Truly amazing effort on everyone's part. It was a great pleasure for me to put together this contest on behalf of John, and I thank everyone in the C
March 16, 2006

Truly amazing effort on everyone's part. It was a great pleasure for me to put together this contest on behalf of John, and I thank everyone in the C&L community for being so gracious and welcoming. Of course, a special thank you goes to the amazing John Amato for the invite and I look forward to next time.

Here are the three winners, which were compiled through the comment section here, as well as emails I received through my blog. Kryptic came in a strong first; Steve Davis second; with Ian in third place. Congratulations! (Nice efforts by Scott Knick, Kitty, Jeff, Mike Anderson and Emmett, but just not enough.)

Once again, the C&L "Murrow for a Minute" winners, only this time I'm going to add Murrow's coda, which they've earned the right to share, at least in this community.

When the government and journalists no longer speak for the American citizen, the American Citizen must learn to speak for himself. Good night, and good luck. - Kryptic

Too often, this administration has been unable to distinguish friend from foe, or to separate substantive reasons from insubstantial rhetoric. To the Republican chairman, who believes that the senator from Wisconsin has 'sided with the terrorists,' we offer the following advice: when you find yourself on sentry--Republican and Democrat alike--with the lines drawn close to your enemies, and when the night's smothering darkness is broken only by the flashes of distant battle, there is a password to let you know friend from foe, and that word is 'liberty.' Good night, and good luck. - Steve Davis

We must not forget that everything we take for granted was once an act of great courage. That only by risking one's comfort, one's job, or one's life, can we ensure that future generations will not have to do so. Good night, and good luck.Ian

guest posted by Taylor Marsh

"Good night, and good luck."

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