Yesterday, Ms. Hart from PA, defended Bush's veto on stem cell research. The problem is she cites the wrong science to defend Bush. What's up with PA for voting some of the wildest people in office? People like her will say anything at all to back up their positions.
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Hart: I thank the gentleman from Ohio for alloting me time to speak in favor of sustaining the President's veto. It's been a year since this House passed the Castle-Degette bill. In that year, science--not Hollywood--has helped us to debunk the myth of a promise for embryonic stem cell research. Hollywood supports it. Science created fraudulent experiments. Before last year's vote, they made arguments supporting embryonic stem cell research. They were coming fast and furious from our colleagues. During the debate in the Senate, the same arguments came. They cited Dr. Wong Wuk Suk of South Korea and his research. Supporters of his research said that he had cloned a human embryo; that he had found a way to produce embryonic stem cell lines that could be done routinely and efficiently. What happened later?
All of his research was debunked. The ethics of his research were called into question. It was revealed that his publications were faked, his experiments were unsuccessful, and the treatment of their egg donors as ethically grossly appalling. Mr. Speaker, I urge us to reject embryonic stem cell research as the science is not there. Since it is successful in treating patients using adult stem cells, and cord blood stem cells which we agreed to fund and the President signed and I believe we should support that and I yield back.
DeGetter: Of course the gentle-lady from Pennsylvania refers to the South Korea experiment which was not embryonic stem cell research rather it was somatic cell nuclear transfer, not at issue today...