Happy Furry Puppy Story Time with Norbizness: A ploy more transparent than an invisible transparency factory...now get back to work you goddamned idio
July 19, 2006

Happy Furry Puppy Story Time with Norbizness: A ploy more transparent than an invisible transparency factory...now get back to work you goddamned idiots!

NewsHog: Three Questions

Martini Republic: Hey, don't be blamin' G-Dub for any of the trouble in the Middle East...it's all Kerry's fault!

Talk To Action: A culture of life or a culture of death? Or just a culture of violence?

Back to Iraq 3.0: Christopher Allbritton's excellent reporting from Beirut with links to his latest articles forTime and the San Francisco Chronicle.

The Osterley Times: As Gandhi remarked, "What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?"

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