Keith Olbermann took a look at Bill's claim that he's on Al Qaeda "death list," and had on Radar's Marcus Baram to discuss the story that he broke today. Baram was intrigued by Bill's remarks and took an active interest in the story. Nobody seems to have backed O'Reilly's tale. In a nutshell, Bill is in fantasy land to drum up more book sales.
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Asked about O'Reilly's claim, Fox News' reaction was equally confounding. Media relations director Leah Yoon repeatedly insisted the network had "nothing to say," because O'Reilly's interview is being aired on ABC. "We shouldn't be shouldering the burden of something he said on someone else's network," she said.
Being a big O'Reilly supporter I was truly shaken to the core that Bill seems to be making up these allegations. My belief that he is the only source of fair and balanced reporting now has been tainted forever.