Paul Krugman joined Bush apologist Neal Cavuto Tuesday to debate our economy. Forget about the debate. Listening to Cavuto say the word "suck" was pretty hilarious. Talking heads always have an advantage against thinkers who rarely do TV appearances so Cavuto is used to talking over people.
Cavuto: What I'm saying is aren't you being disingenuous---coming out with an article that states as fact: Things Suck. When we've had a lot of things to cause things to start sucking...
Cavuto was giving Krugman cheap compliments so he could call him a liar. That's pretty disingenuous coming from a guy that said Bush's social security plan died because of Michael Jackson:
Cavuto: He’s had a tough sell. I tried to relate that the intense coverage of the Michael Jackson trial was being a bit of a distraction for him.
Transcript by Think Progress:
CAVUTO: Here’s what I’m saying that you’re doing: You are lying to people. That’s what I think that you’re doing.
KRUGMAN: I haven’t heard a lie yet. But, look, if that’s the way you want to do it, I mean, fair and balanced, go all the way. Look, c’mon, the fact of the matter is–
CAVUTO: No, no, you don’t have to be snide. You have to be factual.
KRUGMAN: You’re being snide.