(Luscious coffee photo via a great foodie blog -- Je Mange La Ville.)
The Sunday Talk Head thread is up and running here. Lots of discussion set for the fired US Attorneys and the politicization of the Department of Justice, just based on the show listings. Take a peek at this line-up for CNN's Late Edition:
Samir Sumaidaie, Iraqi ambassador to U.S.; John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N.; Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah; Lanny Davis, former Clinton special counsel; Donna Brazile, Democratic strategist; Ed Gillespie, former RNC chairman.
Not enough coffee in the entire world to get me through that line-up, I can tell you that. Sheesh.
Although I would love to see Orrin Hatch have to answer several questions about the number of his minions who have their hands in this festering Turdblossom Special from Rove's shop. That could be very fun, indeed, because Sen. Hatch needs to be held to account for that Patriot Act provision, among many, many other things in this mess. Would that I could believe Blitzer would actually ASK those questions today. (If you have somehow missed the Media Matters analysis on the conservative leanings of the Sunday shows, do take a look at the report.)
So, what's catching your eye in the news this morning?