Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) has gone completely over the edge.
During a luncheon speech to 100 constituents in Spartanburg, DeMint also took issue with the now widespread belief that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction, saying the executed Iraqi dictator had “stockpiles of chemical weapons” that still exist.
DeMint devoted most of his comments to the current immigration debate in the Senate. But he spoke about the war when a woman in the audience stood and asked him how long U.S. troops will remain in Iraq.
“Al-Qaida knows that we’ve got a lot of wimps in Congress,” DeMint said. “I believe a lot of the casualties can be laid at the feet of all the talk in Congress about how we’ve got to get out, we’ve got to cut and run.” sets the record straight.
Jon Soltz said, "Wimps are people like Senator DeMint who don't want to ask the tough questions or face facts, which is why he's idiotically clinging to the idea that there were WMD in Iraq. Any stockpiles of weapons found in Iraq were useless - either inert or rusted and unusable because of their age. Senator DeMint is living in some sort of twisted fantasy land, where democracy, not failed policy, is responsible for too many American lives lost in Iraq, and where bad intelligence is miraculously valid. He should click his ruby slippers three times and join us back in the land of reality, or resign from the Senate."
Good advice.