Lindsay Graham sounded like he was on a pot of coffee, seven Red Bulls and a couple of packs of cigarettes---while being fluent at the Evelyn Wood talking points course. Jim Webb was not thrilled to be sitting next to him.
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Webb: Lindsey's had a hard month...excuse me friend...
And he got angry when Graham, (McCain's BFF) tried to put words in the mouths of our soldiers
Webb: Don't put political words in their mouths...
No wonder Republicans are afraid of Webb. Here's some highlights:
Graham: "The surge has been in place for two weeks" Webb: "we didn't
do that in two weeks"
Webb: "It's been a hard month Lindsey, hasn't it?"
Webb: "Lindsey's had a hard month. These people who have gathered
around the President, you know, on the immigration bill and this bill,
I know it's been tough. We gotta bring people together ..." (more down below)
Webb: "We're now in a situation where the soldiers and the Marines are
having less than a one to one ratio [time at home versus time at war],
and somebody needs to speak up for them instead of simply defending
what this President ..."
Graham: "Well, they reenlist in the highest numbers anywhere than the..."
Webb: "This one thing I really take objection to is politicians ..."
Lindsey keeps interrupting
Webb: "May I speak? ... Is politicians who put their political views
in the mouths of soldiers. You can look at poll after poll and the
political views of the United States military are no different than
the country writ large. Go take a look at the New York Times today.
Less than half of the military believes that we should have been in
Iraq in the first place."
Graham: "Have you ever been to Iraq? Have you ever been?"
Webb: "Have you ever been to these ... I've covered two wars as a
Graham: "Have you been to Iraq and talked to the soldiers?"
Webb: "You know, you haven't been to Iraq Lindsey. (cross-talk).
You go see the dog and pony show. That's what Congressman do."
cross talk
Webb: "I've been a member of the military more than the Senators been
a Senator."
Webb: "35% of the United States military agrees with the policy of
this President."
Graham: "Well, why do they keep reenlisting? Why do they go back?"
Webb: "Because they love their country. (cross-talk) They do not do
it for political reasons. Believe me, my family's been doing this
since the Revolutionary War."
Graham: "Yea? Well so has my family."
Webb: "They do it because they love their country. They do it because
they have a tradition, and it is the responsibility of our national
leaders so make sure that they are used properly."