The Doonesbury cartoonist Garry Trudeau has never been to Iraq or Afghanistan. But for years, his strip has chronicled the wars in those countries, with the stories of characters like Ray Hightower and B.D. - the football coach and Vietnam vet who went to Iraq with the National Guard.
Trudeau's latest project involves real-life soldiers.'s The Sandbox is a compilation of writings by U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan that were posted on a blog at
Trudeau tells Michele Norris that his goal was to provide a general audience the "flavor" of what life is like for troops overseas.
He asked soldiers to provide writing that "spoke to the texture of quotidian, day-to-day activities of [their lives]" and that were not rants about the war or the politics of the war.
You can hear Garry Trudeau's interview here as well as entries from 1t Sgt. Troy Steward and Sgt. Owen Powell of their experiences.