*snicker* New FOXNews "analyst" Karl Rove has some words of caution *snort* for any politico thinking about going negative on Barack Obama *guffaw* by focusing on his middle name. *BWAHAHAHAHAHA*
Sorry, it was hard to keep a straight face as I typed that. As I wipe a tear of mirth from my eye, let us just remember this is Karl "John McCain fathered an illegitimate black baby" and "John Kerry made up his Vietnam injuries" Rove. The man who redefined dirty tricks in a campaign claims that using Obama's middle name will help Obama and hurt McCain.
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ROVE: Look the “Hussein”…using his middle name helps Obama, it doesn’t hurt him. So anybody who wants to help John McCain ought to stop using…
WALLACE: How do you explain that?
ROVE: ‘Cause I think people look at it and say, ‘look, that’s one step too far. You’re trying to leave an implication that he is a Muslim when I know he’s not.’ And I think you know, lot of times attacks in politics fail, in fact they turn into a negative for the person who’s doing the attacking because people think it’s gone too far. And this frankly, goes too far. Now, having ties to Louis Farrakhan and his anti-Semitic comments, that’s…that’s…you know, people have a reasonable, that’s a reasonable question. Do you agree with him, do you renounce him, do you reject him? But this idea of getting up there and using the guy’s middle name in order to imply something about him is…it goes too far.
Really? You have to wonder about Rove's ulterior motive with this--plausible deniability for future whisper campaigns? The whole "Obama is secretly a Muslim" meme is one that is playing very, very well with the wingnut blogosphere and the rest of their base. And that he thinks Obama's "ties" to Louis Farrakhan are fair game. Hmmm....shall we look at some of the scary things that John Hagee has said, an endorsement that McCain actively pursued? Would you advise McCain denounce and reject Hagee, Karl?