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Stephen Colbert does a wrap up from Tuesday's Semi-super Tuesday primaries and wishes his buddy a Huckabye-bye.
Robert Reich, former Clinton Labor Secretary, appears to give his enthusiastic endorsement of the democratic process and to dismiss Colbert's charge that the Democratic party is destroying itself from within, but just won't give an enthusiastic endorsement of a specific candidate, no matter how many ways Colbert tries to wheedle it out of him.
SC: Are you endorsing Hillary Clinton?
RR: No, I decided not to endorse this round.
SC: So, you’re endorsing Barack Obama?
RR: No, I’m not going to endorse anybody. Because I’ve been a friend of Hillary…
SC: But you’re leaning, you’re leaning towards Barack Obama…
RR: …for so many years, I don’t want to endorse anybody, I think that would be inappropriate.
SC: Okay, let me put it this way: if we were at a restaurant together and the waiter brought around the dessert cart, and the choice was ladyfingers or Black Forest cake, which way do you think you’d lean?
RR: Quite seriously, either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama would make a great president.
SC: Let me put this a different way. If I were a waiter and I were to offer you two different slices of pizza, and one was half-Hawaiian and you weren’t entirely sure what it was going to taste like. And the other was plain with cheese and had been under a heat lamp for 35 years, I mean, it had seen everything. Which would you go for?
RR: I don’t think I’d be terribly excited about either of those slices.
SC: Which movie would you rent? “Big Momma’s House” or “Medea’s Family Reunion”? Be careful, they are both about strong women who are actually black men.
RR: Um, gosh. I think I’d try both of them out.