I'm trying to stay out of the back and forth of the Democratic primary duel as much as I can. When Samantha from Obama's camp says "monster" and Wolfs
March 6, 2008

I'm trying to stay out of the back and forth of the Democratic primary duel as much as I can. When Samantha from Obama's camp says "monster" and Wolfson from the Clinton camp yells "Ken Starr," I can only imagine it will get worse from here because we have two candidates that want to win. I do hope cooler heads prevail in the end though, but I can say this: our readers are a passionate group. I did enjoy this take by Duncan:

I don't have a problem understanding why some people support Obama and some people support Clinton. It really puzzles me why lots of people don't get that simple fact. The point is not that the candidates are identical and no one should be a supporter or care who wins, it's that you should recognize that the other person's supporters aren't necessarily deluded or stupid. You may disagree with their reasons, but they have them.

cscs had a funny post called: Obama and Clinton Supporters Must Drop Out of the Race

And the right wingers are stuck supporting a guy that looks like Bush's grandfather.

One thing is certain though. I will be here when the dust clears and we all can go after Sen. McCranky together.

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