Cliven Bundy is a proven liar, which of course explains why Sean Hannity felt compelled to give him eight full minutes to play the Fox News audience for fools.
Dead cattle? Don't assume the BLM killed them. There's just as much probability they were killed by Bundy to set up the BLM as the bad guys. Because false in one, false in all, and if he wasn't honest about his time on that ranch, he can be presumed to have lied about the dead cattle.
That won't stop Fox viewers from feeling quite self-satisfied about the meanness of the federal government, and this:
“This is a state sovereignty issue,” Ammon said of the standoff. “The states have the right to control and govern this land, and the federal government doesn’t wanna give that up, and that’s what this is about, and that’s where we stand.” Ammon said that the federal government doesn’t have the right to fine them for their use of that land.
So what does the Bundy family think will happen in this “range war” with the government?
“We’re ready for whatever does [happen], but me personally, I know they can do a lot of stuff now that I’ve seen what they do,” Arden said.
Meanwhile, Cliven called on the Congress to “pull Harry [Reid] in and straighten him out.”
Never mind that this is settled law, and the state does not pretend they have sovereign rights to control or govern the land. Never mind that the federal government did not hand over federal lands to Nevada.
Never mind that, because the real reason for Bundy's appearance was to give Congressmen a reason to straighten out Harry Reid. And to fire up the militiamen.
Still, it doesn't change the fact that Bundy is a liar and a thief, and conservatives who defend him should be fully cognizant of who they are standing for.