Shame on CNN, who has now fully morphed into Fox Lite. This pathetic effort to undermine Martin O'Malley's vocal stand for the children at the border is really irresponsible.
Here's what CNN reports:
Thousands of young undocumented migrants back to Central America, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley asked a top White House official that the children not be sent to a site that was under consideration in his home state, sources familiar with the conversation said.
"He privately said 'please don't send these kids to Western Maryland,'" a Democratic source told CNN. The heated discussion between O'Malley and White House domestic policy adviser Cecilia Munoz occurred during a phone call late Friday evening, sources familiar with the conversation added.
O'Malley doesn't deny he had a conversation, nor does he deny asking that they not be sent to one location in Maryland. But they might have worked a little harder to discover why he said that.
Start with this paragraph buried deep beneath the misleading lede:
"Governor O’Malley and his administration are working cooperatively with federal officials to find suitable locations in Maryland for unaccompanied minors fleeing violence in Central America," said O'Malley press secretary Nina Smith. "As he has said repeatedly, he believes the priority should be placing children with family members and–if that’s not possible–locating housing that is safe, humane, and non-restrictive," she added.
It really becomes obvious when you see this picture:

Could it be that O'Malley didn't want to send the children into areas like this where there's a bunch of nasty, filthy ugly people who hate brown people and don't want them anywhere near them?
If CNN had bothered to spend a minute asking the question about what might prompt the governor to ask specifically to exclude one single place in Maryland, the story would have been different.
Because O'Malley actually cares about kids, and their safety. Not because he was trying to keep brown kids out of Maryland.
CNN is full of shameless hacks who have fallen so, so low since their heyday. Now that you know the true story, let everyone else know how wrong that headline is.
As for the 'anonymous Democrat'? Kick their ass out if we find out who said it.