The Young Turks Cenk Uygur did a very nice job of rounding up the neocons from the Sunday shows this weekend and with reminding us of just what a wasteland these shows have become.
He started things off with ripping Peggy Noonan for her "boom boom boom" remarks when it comes to which ISIS targets we can supposedly easily destroy and went from there with here hackery.
As we've already discussed here, the audience at ABC was once again treated to Bloody Bill Kristol discussing how easy it would be for the U.S. to just drop a few bombs in Syria and worry about the consequences later.
Our former failed 2008 presidential candidate and permanently pissed off old man John McCain went on Greta's show last week and offered his solution to how we deal with ISIS, or ISIL, or whatever we're calling them this week, which is to "kill them." No nuance needed, just kill them.
Never mind whether we actually know who is a member of this terrorist group and who is a civilian that we're dropping the bombs on. Kill 'em all and let God sort it out in McCain and Noonan's world. That should help to ease tensions over there immediately, don't you think?
He finished things up by laying into Bloody Bill Kristol, who has never met a call for more war he didn't like and who thinks President Obama drawing red lines that mean our troops don't get killed is not "serious."