If you want to put your hand on the pulse of the hysterical right wing, look no further than the rag that makes the Weekly World News seem like PBS. Washington Free Beacon editor and husband of Bill Kristol's daughter, Matthew Continetti has a PhD in panicology and can link any fallacious conspiracy theory to President Obama.

Appealing to the barely-literate demographic, Continetti uses words and phrases like: corrupt elite, bourgeois liberal elite, illegitimate, irresponsible, cosmopolitan, terrorists detonating a weapon of mass destruction, and jihadists crossing the border. He never trusts the government: We are told that Benghazi was a spontaneous demonstration, that al Qaeda is on the run, that the border is secure as it has ever been. This young neocon smut-peddler uses coded language to soften his overt racism and to illicit fear in his Neanderthal-brained readers.
He connects the recent faux pas in the Secret Service to a complete meltdown in the competency of the White House. He writes that these incidents are just ...
"stories of ineptitude or malfeasance that appear in the daily newspaper are more than examples of high ideals executed poorly. They are examples of the pursuit of ideas—of equality and diversity and progress and centralization and environmentalism and globalization—to absurd and self-destructive limits. It is precisely the intersection of Ebola and globalization that worries me."
Continetti allocates much of the blame on Dr. Zeke Emanuel, the "you can keep your doctor" mouthpiece of that dreaded Obamacare, that program which helps poor people see doctors too. Because the right wing despises any programs that don't help the .1% hoard more wealth, Dr. Emanuel is the scapegoat who cannot be trusted.
Not only do I disagree with the constant stream of soothing and complacent rhetoric from Dr. Zeke’s friends in government and media. I also believe it is entirely rational to fear the possibility of a major Ebola outbreak.
The folks at The American Thinker (ironic name) feel the same way. A writer accuses the president of preemptive Ebola hysteria, while blaming him for already mishandling the alleged pandemic.
The Obama White House will exploit this crisis, if it becomes one, in ways that alarmists do not anticipate. Obama will not declare martial law or shut down the polls in November – I hope – but he and his cronies will begin immediately to stigmatize the opposition as xenophobes and racists...If there is a serious Ebola outbreak in America, the one thing that citizens will demand is the truth. At this stage, even if Obama is inclined to tell it, no one, alas, will be able to recognize it.
The reactionaries suffering from acute Obama Derangement Syndrome have another 'crisis' to blame on the president, Ebola: a disease from Black Africa, the same Black Africa where President Obama's Kenyan Father was from.
In the same publication, another wingnut comes to the same conclusion, this time it's based on the elevator incident in the CDC HQ building in Atlanta.
The Secret Service, once a revered agency, looks like Keystone Kops. And now with epidemics imported from abroad threatening our health (not just Ebola but Enterovirus), the public has every reason to be distrustful of those offering advice and reassurances.
How can this inept government, wrought with scandals, handle such a serious matter? When these wingnuts ask such questions, they always assume the Black Obama Administration is illegitimate, aloof, out of touch and incompetent. Reactionary, coded language sells more subscriptions to those who refuse to see outside their conservative bubble.